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Health & Safety

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Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Exhibitors and contractors must comply with the most current edition of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards. OSHA standards can be accessed online at


For full list of Health & Safety, Fire Regulations and Special Risks please view the MBCC guide here. If you have any special risks, please note in your H&S form to let your organisers know.


Special Risks

If you have any special risks, please contact no later than 28 days prior to the event, and we will advise you of further steps.


Special risks include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Filming, Television & Recording

• Cooking Demos*

• Gas (Compressed/inert) **

• Inert Gas Cylinders**

• Gas (Liquid Petroleum (LP)) **

• Vehicles, electrical, mechanical, or chemical devices

• Special Effects (Fog and Hazers) **

• **Any heater, laser, barbecue, open flame, candles, lamps, torches, fireworks, and pyrotechnics**

• Tents or covered exhibits more than 301 square feet (91.74 square meters) erected inside the exhibit hall(s).

• Platforms & Stages

• Rigging

• Water Features

• Cadaver

• Stands with roofs**

• Multi-Level or Double decker stands**


Vehicles on Display

Vehicles on display shall comply with the following:

• MBCC floor surface must be protected – See MBBC E-guide for Floor Protection.

• Exit & Exit access must remain free of any obstructions.

• Vehicles must be positioned prior to the opening.

• Battery cables disconnected and taped over.

• Fuel tank must have a lockable gas cap or taped shut.

• Fuel tank may contain no more than one-fourth (1/4) quarter full or contain more than four (4) gallons (15.14 litres) of fuel, whichever is less.

• Fuelling or de-fuelling of vehicles shall be prohibited. • Vehicles shall not be moved during show hours.

* Is permitted but will require submission for a permit no later than 21 days prior to the event. You may also require approval by the venue and or a fire marshal, please refer to MBCC E-guide and reach out to the organisers.


** Your exhibit will be considered a complex stand, requiring a submission of plans to a structural engineer which will incur costs and prior approval from the MBBC. Please reach out to the organisers for next steps.