Whilst every precaution is taken to protect your property, responsibility cannot be accepted for any loss or damage that befalls the personnel or property of any
exhibitor. Exhibitors are reminded of their responsibility to carry insurance for the duration of the event.
You are responsible for insuring against any legal liability incurred in respect of injury or damage to property belonging to third parties. In addition to this you should
protect your outlay against Abandonment and Cancellation or Curtailment of the exhibition due to reasons beyond the control of Akabo Media.
All Exhibitors are required to have public liability insurance, as per the MBCC’s E-guide: https://www.miamibeachconvention.com/event-planner/guide
Before submitting your insurance, please make sure it is this a copy of your certificate of insurance OR To Who It May Concern Letter (TWMIC)* which:
• Is signed for and addressed to your company.
• Is valid between exhibition build-up/breakdown and open show dates (21/10/24 – 23/10/24)
• Has a minimum coverage limit of $1,000,000
• Clearly states cover for one of the following: ‘public liability’, ‘bodily harm’, or ‘third party injury’.
We do not accept:
• Policy schedules as proof of insurance
• Expired Insurances
• Business or General insurance
Please send a copy of this to maris.milkovic@akabomedia.co.uk by September 10th, 2024
Please take the time to review and comply with the above insurance requirements, as these are standard event and company procedures. Failure to do so may prevent you from exhibiting at our show.
You can view examples of insurance in the official Exhibitor Manual.